Melania Remains Mute

One down and 207 to go. Yep, that’s right. There are 208 weeks in a four-year term for the president of the United States...

Presidential Lithium Blood Levels Obtained?

It seems to me that Trump is now solidly on lithium, and that his blood/lithium levels have reached an optimal therapeutic balance, resulting in...

Stock Market Drawback Creates Opportunity, but Risks Remain with Coronavirus and...

Concerns over coronavirus and a substantial dive in oil prices have sent the stock market on a wild ride in a mostly down direction....

“In Union There is Strength” says General James “Jim” Mattis who...

(Editorial note: "In Union There is Strength" was penned by General James "Jim" Mattis and is republished herein under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act...

They Were Waiting for a Savior to Rise—They Had to Settle...

I never believed that Trump was going to drain the Washington, DC, political swamp. Never. And he hasn’t drained it either. When asking the...

This Political Theorist Predicted the Rise of Trumpism. His Name Was...

In late March, Donald Trump opened a rally in Wisconsin by mocking the state’s governor, Scott Walker, who had just endorsed his Republican opponent,...